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11. Django Files Cheatsheet


  • The logic is executed for different different urls.
  • Prepare and return response data (eg. HTML).

1. HTTP Response

  • It is a response to the user. It can be a string, a file, an image, etc.
# HttpResponse give the response to the user
from django.http import HttpResponse
def index(request):
    # write your business logic
    return HttpResponse("Hello, World!")
  • request : It is the first parameter.
  • HttpResponse : It is a response to the user.

These are the basic views in Django. You can also use render to render the template.

2. Rendering Template

from django.shortcuts import render     # It import the templates file like index.html and renders it to the user.
def index(request):
    params = {'name': 'Harry', 'place': 'Mars'}
    # pass the dictionary as a third variable
    return render(request, 'index.html', params)
  1. request : It is the first parameter.
  2. index.html : An html file that you want to render.
  3. params : It takes the dictionary as a third parameter.
  • You can access key value pairs in html file by -

Dictionary can be access in template :

# Variables params accessing from
<p>My name is {{ name }} and I'm from {{ place }}.</p>