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1. Introduction to Django

Introduction to Django

  • Django is a high-level python web based application framework that enables that rapid development of web applications.
  • Follows the MVT structure.
  • Most popular python framework.

What is Framework ?

  • A framework is a particular set of rules, ideas or beliefs which you can use in order to deal with problems or to decide what to do.
  • For example: Python has also flask, PHP has Laravel, Java has SpringBoot, JavaScript has Express and NodeJS and .NET has ...


  • It is fast and simple.
  • It is secure.
  • MVT support and Object Oriented Approach.
  • Build-In authentication and authorization.
  • Packaging System.

Which companies are uses ?

  • Youtube
  • Disqus
  • Instagram
  • Spotify
  • Dropbox
  • Bitbucket
  • Mozilla
  • The Washington Post


  • Required to have knowledge of Python programming language.
  • HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Topics which has top covered

  • Setup and Understanding Django Projects.
  • URLs, Routs and Views.
  • Templates and static files.
  • Data, Model and Relationships.
  • Working with Forms.
  • Class-based views.
  • File Uploads.
  • Sessions.
  • Cookies.
  • Many Small Examples.
  • Real Project (Building a Blog)
  • Frontend + Admin Area
  • In-Depth Deployment Guide
  • E-commerce